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ITE Designing Signalized Intersections Course
March 13, 2023 @ 8:00 am - June 5, 2023 @ 5:00 pm UTC-5
$500 – $750Click here to register.
Course Description
The Designing Signalized Intersections course is a new certificate-based, blended learning program that provides students with a comprehensive coverage of the technical elements of designing signalized intersections. This training program consists modules covering major topic areas, which will include overall introduction discussing the design of traffic signals, geometric design for signalized intersections, and detailed coverage of signal control elements. This course will provide a full understanding of the practice of designing signalized intersections including interactive instructor-led discussions and pre-recorded sub-modules accessible anytime within the program period to accommodate the pace and schedule of the student. This program is targeted towards practitioners early in their careers with a focus on foundational knowledge and skills necessary for designing traffic signals from planning through implementation. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to interact directly with a live panel of experts as they explore the intricacies of real world examples.
Four live instructor-led discussion sessions will also provide real-world case studies, addressing emerging issues such as bicycle signals, cybersecurity, and sustainability among other topics. These live discussions are designed and intended to reinforce the content learned from the modules completed prior to the live session. Individuals who successfully complete this training program will receive an ITE Designing Signalized Intersections Certificate.
Here is a brief summarization of the topic areas covered under each module:
Part 1: Course Introduction
The introduction will provide an overview of the course purpose and intent, intended audience, delivery approach for content, schedule, and the requirements to receive the ITE Designing Signalized Intersections Certificate.
Part 2: Geometric Design
These modules address the fundamentals of the geometric design of intersections and the choices of traffic control. Topics addressed include the type of intersections and traffic control, sight distance and sight triangles, swept path and curb radii, the design of left and right turn lanes, and safety assessment.
Part 3: Signal Control
The modules on traffic signal control begin with an introduction to the overall topic touching the history of intersection signalization, purpose, alternatives, benefits and challenges, justification, human factors and safety, queueing, sustainability, and basics of signal phasing and sequencing , as well as on-going maintenance and operational considerations. The course continues with material on the physical design infrastructure of a signalized intersection including signal heads, controllers, detection and electrical facilities. The next group of modules cover the various facets of signal timing such as the basic timing considerations, preemption and priority, bicycle and pedestrian treatments, and special signal applications as well as coordination and timing strategies with their performance measures. The course closes with content on system control, intelligent transportation systems, and an overview of systems engineering, connected vehicle applications, cybersecurity plus the issues surrounding design document development.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Express the foundational knowledge necessary to design traffic signals from planning through implementation
- Apply the fundamental concepts of the geometric design of intersections and the choices of traffic control
- Describe and apply the components and justification for traffic signal control of intersections.
- Name the design elements of physical infrastructure of signalized intersection such as pole placement, signal heads, controllers, detection systems, electrical facilities, etc. and supporting documentation
- Explain traffic signal timing considerations for basic vehicular timing, pedestrians, bicycles, preemption and priority, special applications, coordination, performance measures, advanced system control, and cybersecurity.
Live Session Instructor Information
- Steven Jewell, P.E, PTOE — LinkedIn Bio
- Douglas E. Noble, P.E., PTOE | Senior Director of Management and Operations | ITE
- Guest instructors: Subject matter experts with extensive experience in Designing Signalized Intersections development and process will also provide instruction on several modules. These guest instructors information and full bios are provided on the module pages they developed.
ITE Member: $500.00
Non-Member: $750.00
This course is designed for quality instructor and student interaction during live sessions and therefore there are limited seats available. Registration is for the entire course. Individual module registration is not available. Registration closes at 12:00 pm ET on March 10, 2023 or once we reach capacity.
Course Schedule
This training program will take place on the ITE Learning Hub and will consist of eight 1 to 1.5 hour sessions. Sessions 1, 5, 9, and 14 will consist of live interactive sessions. The remaining five sessions are pre-recorded and broken into sub-modules.
The student is expected to view Sessions 2, 3 and 4 prior to the Module 5 live session. The student is expected to view Sessions 6, 7, 8 prior to the Module 9 live session and view Sessions 10, 11, 12, and 13 prior to Module 14 live session.
The live presentations have assigned dates:
Module 1 (Live) March 13, 2023 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Module 5 (Live) April 10, 2023 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Module 9 (Live) May 8, 2023 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Module 14 (Live) June 5, 2023 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. ET
*Session times are subject to change.
Course Materials
Course material will be located in each module. This includes PDFs of the Power Point presentations for each module, any references, handouts and links if applicable.
How to Earn PDH Credit: 12 PDH Credits Available
The course in its entirety will provide 12 PDH credits. Each participant will be awarded an ITE Designing Signalized Intersections Course Certificate upon completion of all the live and pre-recorded sessions, confirmation of knowledge quizzes, working example assignments and an evaluation of the overall course.
Additional attendees: This course is for individual participation only. Group sessions are not supported. Credit is applied to registrants only.
ITE’s Certificate Program
ITE is committed to the education of the transportation industry therefore we have begun the ITE Certificate Program. The ITE Certificate Program will consist of training courses that provide certificates of achievement in a specific area and level of knowledge. Recognition of achievement for those who complete this program will be posted in the ITE Journal.
Policies: This Designing Signalized Intersections Program is non-refundable within 5 days prior to the event. You will have access to the entire course until August 5, 2023.