TSMO Videos
Transforming ideas into action with Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO): How do we preserve capacity and improve the security, reliability, and safety of our transportation systems? in the spirit of innovation and the desire to enhance travel, welcome to TSMO!
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NDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan
The NDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan presents a five-year action plan to implement the TSMO Program as part of a cross-jurisdictional approach to achieve Nevada’s transportation vision and objectives. The Program Plan includes three main components:
- Strategic Elements
- Programmatic Elements
- Tactical Elements
These components and elements are developed in alignment with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) TSMO Primer as well as the One Nevada Transportation Plan to ensure transportation efforts are aligned at both national and agency levels. This plan includes recommendations on the update cycle of the specific elements to ensure all TSMO efforts are up to date.
Other Resources

NDOT TSMO Documents
- TSMO State of the Practice – 2018
- NDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan – Executive Summary
- NDOT TSMO Staffing and Workforce Development Plan
- NDOT TSMO Performance Management Program Plan
- NDOT TSMO Planning and Financial Resources Processes and Procedures
- NDOT TSMO Stakeholder Engagement Plan
- NDOT ITS Asset Management Business Plan
- NDOT Transportation Asset Management Plan
- NDOT Active Traffic Management System Concept of Operations

TSMO Case Studies
- A Collaborative Effort to Develop the Nevada DOT Comprehensive Business Case
- NDOT Investment Prioritization Tool
- Waycare Platform Deployment in Southern Nevada Traffic Management Center
- Nevada Traffic Incident Management Coalition Hosts Las Vegas Valley Hands-On TIM Exercises
- NDOT TSMO Evaluation Tool
- NDOT TSMO Workforce Development Plan

Online Sources
- AASHTO Transportation Systems Management & Operations
- Consortium for Innovative Transportation Education (CITE) TSMO Courses
- Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer For Program Planning
- FHWA’s TSMO website
- FHWA TSMO Resources
- FHWA TSMO Fact Sheets
- Institute of Transportation Engineers TSMO Resources
- Mainstreaming Transportation Systems Management and Operations
- Nevada Traffic Incident Management Coalition
- National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE)
- NCHRP Guidelines for Quantifying Benefits of Traffic Incident Management Strategies
- NCHRP Access Management in the Vicinity of Interchanges, Volume 1: Practitioner’s Guide
- NDOT Documents and Publications
- NDOT Facts and Figures
- Organizing for Operations
- One Nevada Transportation Plan